Governance and participated processes

Emilia-Romagna: Countdown to public consultation on the Integrated Management Strategy for Coastal Defense and Adaptation (GIDAC)

The Emilia-Romagna Region launched the participatory path  “What coast will it be?” in 2021, as part of the European project  AdriaClim, to build together with directly affected communities, a Strategy for the future of the regional coast. The process was subdivided into numerous meetings (from the ’InfoDay del 23 aprile to  workshops in May and November 2021) through which the objectives of the project were shared and various contributions were collected.

The processing carried out, organizing the proposals received, resulted in the advanced draft of the GIDAC Strategy document, which is now open to receive further comments, proposals and input.

In fact, on April 5, 2022, the Emilia-Romagna Region will open the public consultation phase of the documents that will make up the GIDAC strategy: Integrated Management for Coastal Defense and Adaptation to Climate Change. The main theme is the impact of climate change on the coast and the responses that the regional system, both public and private, can implement.

In addition to the affected communities, the Region strives to broaden participation to anyone who can make a contribution to the issue and, in particular, to enrich Part C “Addresses” of the document, which covers the plan of actions and the directions for implementing them, outlining the programmatic lines of the Strategy.

From April 5 to May 5, 2022, entities, associations, professionals, and citizens will be able to make proposals, pitch ideas, and comment on the contents of the document, thanks to the new platform for public participation, PartecipAzioni.

As a reminder, anyone can view the contents of PartecipAzioni, but in order to participate by commenting or submitting any proposals, it is necessary to register with SPID, CIE or CNS.

The mode of access is very simple but help sections have been set up for users. Those who should need further assistance, or further information, can write to:

Once registered it will also be possible to receive notifications from any practice of interest not to miss a single meeting of the process, which will end with a public restitution event, with more info available soon.

The advanced draft of the GIDAC Strategy document will be published a few days before the consultation opens, but the invitation is to register early to view all the materials already available to understand the objectives, context, relevant regulations, as well as the reports produced at the various stages of the participatory journey.

Source: sito Regione Emilia-Romagna