Governance and participated processes

Fruitful discussions between decision-makers and citizens lead to a participatory process aimed at managing and reorganizing the territory in a fast-changing context.

Animated infographics – Impact of climate change on the economy

The Mediterranean sea, where the Adriatic basin is located, is facing and will face numerous impacts related to climate change, such as decrease in overall precipitation, above average temperature, a more frequent wildfire occurrence and biodiversity loss. These impacts will have negative effects on several different sectors of the Adriatic

Seminar: The modelling of the Emilia-Romagna pilot

On Thursday 24th March 2022 Jacopo Alessandri (Arpae) will present, as part of the Unibo team, the model that will be used in the framework of the AdriaClim project for the Emilia-Romagna pilot area. You are all welcome to join and share the event with any interested contacts.The seminar will be